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What Is It?

Welcome to The Single Parents Project, a small, grassroots project in Scotland with big plans…⁠

The Single Parents Project is, at its core, an idea and an ambition. We strive to change the narratives and systemic disadvantages single parents face in the UK, from lack of access to employment, societal judgement and social isolation.

With a strong belief in the transformative power of the arts and culture, and community organising, The Single Parents Project aims to empower people with experience of single parenthood through the arts and peer support.

We define single parents as are people of any age who have had experience of pregnancy or parenthood as a single person, for any length of time, by choice or circumstance. The project is inclusive of people of all and no genders. ⁠

Rebecca Livesey-Wright

The People

Well, person.

Hello! I'm Rebecca Livesey-Wright.


The Single Parents Project is my wee dream. One day, I hope to have the money to expand the team and pay everyone fairly. For now, I'm a one-person band, with some support from my wonderful partner, Siân Baxter.


I studied curation at university and since then have worked in socially engaged arts and education as a facilitator, creative practitioner and administrator. It’s this experience, combined with my life experience of being pregnant and single at the age of 24, which has led me to want to develop The Single Parents Project.


I’m now figuring out co-parenting after doing it alone for nearly 3 years, witnessing the differences between parenting solo and parenting coupled, realising that my experience as a single parent will always inform my experiences and understanding of parenthood.


I’m Glasgow-based, white, queer, non-binary non-disabled and I sit on that weird line between working and middle class.

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